Eden Association – Women changing reality

The Eden Association is a non-profit organization that promotes gender equality by initiating and developing educational-therapeutic projects and programs that encourage change and help expand the options available to men and women. The association operates in southern Israel close to the Gaza Strip – in Kibbutz Dorot and Kibbutz Karmia.

מאי-יולי בעדן 51:
סדרת הרצאות מרתקת ופוקחת עיניים בנושאים שונים ומגוונים הקשורים כולם למגדר, נשים ופמיניזם.

Our programs

A post-hospitalization, feminist therapeutic residential trauma care for girls. A place for change, acceptance and acquiring new coping tools and skills, all while acknowledging difficulties.

A unique high school where both the students and the staff are women. It is a place of sisterhood, which operates based on Eden's feminist approach.

A center promoting gender equality, which offers programs, organizational workshops, seminars and a boutique convention center that operates in Kibbutz Dorot.

A holistic full-board program for young women with complex post-trauma, aimed to provide resources and help participants integrate into the workforce and adult life.


אני בוחרת איך חיי יראו,
ואני רוצה חיים טובים.
הכוח נמצא אצלי ואני בוחרת
איך להשתמש בו

ש׳, בת 17, חניכה בפנימית עדן

נגן וידאו


I choose what my life will look like, and I want a good life.

I have the power and I choose how to use it.

S., 17 years old girl at Eden Residential trauma care


The association's activities could not have come to fruition without the generous support and long-standing partnership with our community of donors.

We greatly appreciate everything you do for us!


Today I try not to judge myself harshly, to love and accept myself without judgement

H., 18 years old girl at Eden Residential trauma care

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